/(right to left) Slavko Vukic - LCDG; Harry Drake - Gonzalez Goodale; Betty Lynn Senes – Sundt; Joe O’Hara – CSUN; Alix O” Brien – LAUSD; Vincent Yu – LA County.
LCDG Project Architect Slavko Vukic, AIA, and DBIA member was an active panelist at an American Institute of Architects event September 26th at the historic South Pasadena Public Library. The well-attended program attracted design professionals, public clients, contractors, construction managers, and representatives of the Design-Build Institute of America.
“As we at LCDG hold trust in high regard, we also value design-build partnerships because they too are built on trust. We put our trust in our contractor partners, so they may put their trust in us.”
- Slavko Vukic, AIA
No stranger to design-build project delivery, Slavko shared LCDG’s positive experiences on a new SCE office building in Ridgecrest, and the Las Palmas assisted living facility in Laguna Woods. He emphasized that design decisions are much improved in an architect-contractor partnership, collaborating to find the best value for clients. As a single team, the often-argumentative relations in a traditional design-bid-build form of project delivery are eliminated, bringing huge benefits to owners –- improved design, compressed schedules, and fewer change orders.